
Congratulations to the Stand Forever ticket as well as all the Senate winners!

Elections will resume in the fall with open Senate seats. 

Fall 2024 Elections Calendar

Filing for Candidacy

Any full-time enrolled undergraduate student who has paid the activity fee is eligible to file for candidacy. Filing for candidacy is similar to sharing an intention to run for office. Candidates must file for candidacy to publicly solicit votes (on social media or in person). Learn more about filing for candidacy and running for executive office, senate seats, or petitioning for a referendum at informational meetings.

  • Monday, August 26 @ 8:00 AM Filing for Candidacy Opens
  • Wednesday, August 28 @ 7:00 PM Informational Meeting
    • Location: TBA
  • Thursday, September 5 @ 12:00 PM Filing for Candidacy Closes

Candidacy & Interim Period

Candidates will meet with the Elections Commission to review rules associated with running for candidacy. Prior to the start of graphic campaigning, candidates have an opportunity to reach out to student organizations to collaborate.

  • Thursday, September 5 @ 9:15 PM Mandatory Candidates Meeting
    • Location: TBA
  • Friday, September 6 @ 8:00 AM Interim Period Begins

Graphic Campaigning 

Candidates openly advertise their intent to run for office and represent a specific constituency. 

  • Sunday, September 8 @ 8:00 AM Graphic Campaigning Begins
    • Interim Period Ends
  • Tuesday, September 10 Virtual Meet the Candidates
    • Location: Elections
  • Thursday, September 12 @ TBD Get Hype to Vote Event with Get Out the Vote
    • Location: TBA


Full-time enrolled students who have paid their activity fee will be able to cast a vote for no less than 3 representatives. Voting occurs on Engage, but the Elections Commission will also host daily events where you can get an item for voting in person.

  • Monday, September 16 @ 12:01 AM Polls Open
    • Location: Engage
    • In-Person Location: TBA
  • Tuesday, September 17
    • Location: Engage 
    • In-Person Location: TBA
  • Wednesday, September 18 @ 11:59 PM Polls Close
    • Location: Engage
    • In-Person Location: TBA


Come out or join virtually to hear who will represent you!

  • Thursday, September 19 @ 12:00 PM Results Announced
    • Location: TBA

Run-Off Elections

In the case that a candidate fails to receive a plurality, a run-off election will be hosted. 

  • Thursday, September 19 @ 12:00 PM Graphic Campaigning Begins
  • Wednesday, September 25 @ 12:01 AM Polls Open
  • Thursday, September 26 @ 11:59 PM Polls Close
  • Friday, September 27 @ 12:00 PM Results Announced

Scheduled Open Senate Seats

Senators serve one year terms with the possibility of continuing service if they meet candidacy requirements and win their respective election. Below is the schedule for open senate seats. The number beside each seat refers to the total amount of seats for that constituency that will be open. If a senate seat becomes vacant, the seat will be open for special appointment via application.

Open Senate Seats

Fall Seats

Open All Tabs
  • Academic Constituencies

    • School of Architecture (1)
    • College of Arts & Sciences (2)
    • Miami Herbert Business School (2)
    • School of Communication (1)
    • School of Education & Human Development (1)
    • College of Engineering (1)
    • Frost School of Music (1)
    • Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, & Earth Science (1)
    • School of Nursing & Health Studies (1)

    Students must be enrolled in that school/college to run and serve this constituency. 

  • Class Constituencies

    • First-Year Class (2)
    • Sophomore Class (2)
    • Junior Class (2)
    • Senior Class (2)

    Students must be in that academic year by the length of time at University or completed credit amount to run and serve this constituency. Voters will only have access to class level determined by credits completed. If you believe you should have access to a different ballot when voting, please do not submit your ballot and contact our advisor, Dr. Heather Stevens at hstevens@miami.edu

  • Residential Constituencies

    • Stanford Residential College (1)
    • Mahoney Residential College (1)
    • Pearson Residential College (1)
    • Eaton Residential College (1)
    • University Village (1)
    • Lakeside Village (1)
    • Fraternity Row (1)
    • Commuter (3)

  • Unique Constituencies

    • Student Athlete (1)
    • Transfer Students (2)
    • International Students (2)
    • Veteran Students (1)
    • Student Employee (1)
    • First-Generation Student (1)

Spring Seats

Open All Tabs

Common Questions

Open All Tabs
  • What does filing for candidacy and running mean?

    Filing for candidacy means that you are indicating that you want to be involved in Student Government and you would like to represent your fellow students.

    For students interested in executive positions:

    • any currently enrolled, full time undergraduate student can vote for you.

    For students interested in senate:

    • Only students who fall into that group are eligible to vote for the representative of that group.
    Students who run for positions often campaign to educate voters about why they are the best candidate for a specific position. Campaign materials may include palm cards, t-shirts, flyers, emails, etc.

    Candidates are able to spend money on their campaign items, but they may spend no more than $300 for senate candidates or $1,000 collectively for executive candidates. Spending money is not a mandatory part of campaigning, but whether you spend money or not, you must submit a financial form to the Elections Commission by 10:00am on Thursday, February 20.

  • What are the qualifications to file for candidacy?

    To run, you must have at least a 2.5 GPA for the Senate and a 2.75 GPA for Executive positions. Our advisors will also check discipline records for all candidates. In the Senate, you can only run for seats of which you are a constituent - for example, if you are in the College of Arts and Sciences, are a Junior, live off-campus, and are a Veteran student, you would only be eligible to run for one of those seats.

  • What is included in the application to file for candidacy?

    Candidates will share their preferred name, bio to be featured on the ballot, headshot for the ballot, and seat running. Additional information including contact information, academic school/college, GPA, and other enrollment verification information. 

    Please note: candidates who are running on a ticket will have an additional page to complete related to their running mates and ticket name. 

  • I'm planning to be a candidate. What happens if I do not attend the Candidates Meeting or Referenda Workshop?

    If you are running for candidacy - Senate or Executive - you must attend the meeting to learn about the election codes and receive confirmation that you meet all eligibility requirements. If you do not attend the meeting, you cannot run.

  • What is a ticket?

    A ticket is a group of people who are all running for their seats together - meaning that they would be working towards and accomplishing the same goals if elected. To be a ticket you much fall in to no more than one of these categories:

    • Candidates running for a single school (Senate)
    • Candidates running for a single academic class (Senate)
    • Candidates running for a residential constituency (Senate)
    • Candidates running for a unique population (Senate)
    • Candidates running for President, Vice President and/or Treasurer (Executive)

  • Do candidates have to follow specific rules?

    Yes, candidates must follow the election codes. The Elections Commission works hard to ensure a fair election. They enforce and maintain Election Codes that ALL candidates and other students campaigning for candidates must follow. You can access the elections codes here

  • Is there somewhere that I can report a candidate who I think is behaving inappropriately?

    The goal of the Elections Commission is to create a fair and open election. If you think someone may be breaking an outlined rule, please contact an elections commissioner.

  • Who do I contact if I have a question?

    The Elections Commission runs elections. All questions related to elections should be directed to the Chair - sgelections@miami.edu.

Prior Elections Results

Student Government Elections serve the crucial purpose of enabling the elections for positions representing the undergraduate student body. All full-time enrolled undergraduate students are eligible to vote in fall and spring elections. Both fall and spring elections feature senate seats; only spring elections feature executive candidates (president, vice president, and treasurer) and referenda.
